“ We must not turn our homes into containers of what others want to sell us,we must be selective and think ”
lola lago.
“ Do I need this? Where do I place it? Questions to be answered when we want to improve our quality of life ”
lola lago.
“ The empty space in the interior is a luxe that has zero cost ”
lola lago.
“ I think in centimeters and so any space is enough for me ”
lola lago.

contacto ll@lolalagointeriores.com

First service of "democratic interior design" on the Internet to solve distribution of interior space in homes or workplaces. The interior designer Lola Lago has set up the web www.interioresparatodos.com The idea is customers' e-mails the plan of their offices or homes and completes a questionnaire about their needs and objectives. Lago, responds with a partial reform from 90 euros and from 140 euros for a TOTAL reform. The solution is not generic but customized including a detailed report on the reason why her proposals.
© 2011 lola lago interiores
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